Mobile Locksmith installs door reinforcement hardware. Door reinforcers, latch guards and other door security hardware are used both to prevent burglary and repair damage due to forced entry.
A wooden door jamb is usually reinforced first with a longer and stronger heavy duty security strike plate. This prevents the door frame from breaking at the door jamb where the deadbolt and door latch enter the frame and can also be used to repair damage from a forced entry after it has occurred.
The next stage in reinforcing a wood or steel residential entry door is usually to install a wrap around sheet metal plate that goes around the edge of the door where the door hardware is located. This wrap around plate is sometimes called a door reinforcer. Door reinforcers strengthen a door from splitting out along the edge and can also be used to repair a broken door. This plate is installed under the deadbolt and door knob, lever or entry set.
Next inward swinging residential doors can be fitted with an interlocking latch guard which prevents doors from being pried open and the frame from being spread as it interlocks when the door is closed.
Outward swinging doors can be fitted with latch guards and full length astragals to prevent prying and to cover the gap where the door meets the frame.
We reinforce doors and repair doors using Door Security Hardware:
- We reinforce strike plates and repair broken door jambs with 12″ and 18″ security strike plates
- We reinforce broken doors with door reinforcers, a wrap around plate that goes around the lock and/or door handle
- We reinforce doors from prying attempts by installing latch guards on out-swinging doors and interlocking latch guards on in-swinging doors
- We secure doors from forced entry by installing heavy duty door guards or door guardians on the inside of in-swinging doors

Wrap around plated and interlocking latch protector installed

We reinforce door agains break-ins